
- 한국e스포츠학회 로그인 화면입니다. -

학회소식The International Society for eSports Studies, ISES

제목 2023 제2차 경성대학교 e스포츠연구소 및 한국e스포츠학회 국제학술대회
작성자 관리자 등록일시 2023-02-15 16:01:59
첨부파일 국제학술대회 포스터.jpg

2023 2nd International Conference of Center for eSports in Kyungsung University


Venue: AG405 Hotel Busan, Republic of Korea

Dates: Feb 16-17, 2023

Theme: eSports in Digital Society

Host: Center for eSports in Kyungsung University

Support: National Research Foundation of Korea

The International Society for eSports Studies

Game Rating And Administration Committee

Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency

Feburary 16th , 2023

13:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:40

MC: Jaehun Kim, Research Professor, Kyungsung University

Opening Ceremony

Opening Remark

Ok-Chul Hwang, Professor, Kyungsung University

Congratulatory Remark 1

Jong Geun Lee, President, Kyungsung University

Congratulatory Remark 2

Kyu Chul Kim, Chairman, Game Rating and Administration Committee

Congratulatory Remark 3

Mun Seob Jeong, President & CEO, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency

14:40 14:50

Break Time

14:50 15:30

Opening Lecture

The Future of Gaming: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Landscape of eSports

Zoltan Andrejkovics, Webmindlicenses LLC, Operations Manager

15:30 16:00

eSports activity in Japanese high school


Yoshio Takahashi, Professor, University of Tsukuba


Hak-Jun Lee, Research Professor, Daegu University

16:00 16:30

The Emergence and Formation process of College eSports Clubs: Focusing on Cases in South Korea and the US.


Youngseon Kim, Research Professor, Kyungsung University

Eunkyung Lee, Doctor of Education, Motor Learning in Biobehavioral Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University


Hyeongil Yeo, Professor, WooSuk University

16:30 -17:00

Break Time

17:00 19:00

Conference Reception

Feburary 17th , 2023

10:00 - 10:30

MC: Kyung Hwan Choi, Research Professor, Kyungsung University

The emergence of data-led gaming environment in Korean eSports


Peichi Chung, Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Hak-Jun Lee, Research Professor, Daegu University

10:30 - 11:00

eSports is eSports


Sang-ho Lee, Research Professor, Kyungsung University


Hyeongil Yeo, Professor, WooSuk University

11:00 - 11:30

eSports in Post-Digital Korea: An Ontological Exploration


Yaewon Jin, Principal Researcher, The Game-n-Science Institute


Jeonyoung Kong, Professor, Dongyang University

11:30 - 12:00

Closing Ceremony

이전글  ▲ 2023 제 2차 정기포럼 - e스포츠 마케팅의 근본적인 전제들
다음글  ▼ 2023 제 3차 정기포럼 - 기술이 가져온 이스포츠의 변화